The team

Behind the GDDP is an amazing team of people who have all worked very hard to keep this whole thing running. We would like to give a huge thank you, to all of the people involved!

  • OwnersTrusta, ElohmroW
  • Website developersElohmroW
  • LeadersArkane, Cork, Cyclo, Emerald1, FastFire, Iron, Jedwint, SmileBullet, Tenu
  • ManagersAmber, ceruulean, Corrupted, Croma, Hydra, hypurdash, Landet, mk4578, Mocha, skyv, StarfruitGamer123, StephenPlays, tortur, Waffles
  • Discord moderatorsDungeonGuard, Elliamy, Generic, Jaco, Mauv, Punkleton, Samiversal, sucuk, sussiestimpostor
  • List ReviewersAespha, Afumaii, ant, Arkane, Bobbyp02, Broski, Chubby, CoolCodin, dartino, Elliamy, equifer, Jelly, Ka1b3ast, MobileBot, PeledGuy, Punkleton, RandomGal, RubyDestoryer, Saminkz, SillyBilly, sucuk, sussiestimposter, xaern, xgoldGD, Zaro
  • Ideas and inspirationAeonAir, Jcak, Lake, Ryujin, SkyJax, TJ, Zamasu, Zupreme
  • Beta testersAlza, Avex, BigMadTy, CursedBlessing, DarkTD, Dice88, Funkirbo, Gooey, HaydenX13, Hazey, JoeL, Karma335, Krtar, LuigiDB, LunarSpark, MasterOfDonkeys, MrDirt, PhantomReaper, Rob, Scorpion, Skzyl, Smiffy777, SmileBullet, Splinter, Ssamosa211, sussiestimpostor, vimproved, Zamasu, Zipi, Zupreme
  • Former ownerskrtar, Lia
  • Former staffaeon, Aespha, Alza, Brittank88, Diogan, Dragoon, gmunygd, G3o, hawkyre, Haze, Jacher, Ka1sa, opayc, Saminkz, Skzyl

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